# 64

120 mn
Collage playlist


Rocé - Nos victoires (Hors Cadres)

Kim Gordon - Bye Bye (Matador Records)

Frustration - Riptide (Born Bad Records)

Gurs - Bihotz Nekea (Symphony of Destruction)

Contractions - Liesse (Echo Canyon Records)

Not Scientists - Spit It Out (Kicking Music)

Las Ratapunks - Corazones Sin Piedad

D.O.V.E. - Into Oblivion

Oi Polloi - Victim of Transphobic Violence

Social Distortion - Mommy's Little Monster (Craft Recordings)

Ashen Shore - A Day Like Any Other

No Plan - Familiar Stories (Indecision Records)

Nø Man - Glitter And Spit (Iodine Recordings)

Spaced - Landslide (Revelation Records)

Mindz Eye - Ill At Ease

Stretch Arm Strong - Illuminating (Iodine Recordings)

Edwood - Truth To Be Told (Return To Integrity)

Radigals - GWHF

Influx - Shadow Tag 

Boost - Recollection (Day After Records)

Flesh Creep - Turf War (No Time Records)

Joël Bats - Hang Him Up

Divine Right - The X Has Yet To Fade

Boundaries - Scars on a Soul (3DOT Recordings)

Brat - Hesitation Wound (Prosthetic Records)

Mastiff - Void (MNRK Heavy)

Infant Island - Another Cycle (Secret Voice)

Frail Body - Refrain (Deathwish Inc.)

Grief - Absence de Soi (Stonehenge Records / Seitan's Hell Bike Punks)

Un Automne De Plus - Un combat comme un autre (Dingleberry Records)

Qilin - Lethean Dreams

Compilation en soutien à Gaza


Vendredi 12 Avril

Savak + Contractions @ Melody Maker (Rennes)

Lundi 15 avril

Grief + Nocif @ Melody Maker (Rennes)

Vendredi 19 Avril

Las Ratapunks + VCNCS @ Dimanche Bistrot (Rennes)

Vendredi 21 & Samedi 22 Juin

Superbowl of Hardcore Festival @Jardin Modern (Rennes)

Samedi 22 Juin

Slam Dunk Festival @ Halle Tony Garnier (Lyon)