Retournons 30 ans en arrière à la recherche des trésors oubliés de 1991 !
Une année dont l'histoire officielle a retenu Nirvana, Soundgarden, Massive Attack, Pear Jam, R.E.M., My Bloody Valentine, Primal Scream, Slint et les Red Hot. Mais si on regarde de plus près, on y trouve aussi des trésors de jangle pop, de rock DIY, de shoegaze et de neo-psychédelia. Voilà notre sélection de redécouvertes pour curieux et nostalgiques...
Spacemen 3 - Just to See You Smile / Album : Recurring [1991]
Thee Headcoats - My Dear Watson / Album : Headcoatitude [1991]
Beat Happening - I've Lost You / Album : Dreamy [1991]
Moe Tucker - Lazy / Album : I Spent a Week There the Other Night [1991]
John Cale - Antarctica Starts Here / Soundtrack : Paris s'éveille [1991]
The Psychedelic Furs - In My Head / Album : World Outside [1991]
The Magnetic Fields - Lovers From the Moon / Album : Distant Plastic Trees [1991]
The Field Mice - Coach Station Reunion / Album : For Keeps [1991]
The Fall - Edinburgh Man / Album : Shift-Work [1991]
Billy Bragg - North Sea Bubble / Album : Don't Try This at Home [1991]
Johnny Cash - Goin' by the Book / Album : The Mystery of Life [1991]
The Mekons - Wild & Blue / Album : The Curse of the Mekons [1991]
Eleventh Dream Day - Angels Spread Your Wings / Album : Lived to Tell [1991]