60 mn



Sorcery   -    Wizard's Council   -   Stuntrock

Sorcery   -   Talking to the Devil   -   Stuntrock

Hot Hot Heat   -   This Town   -  Make Up The Breakdown

The Auteurs   -   Early Years   -   New Wave

The Auteurs   -   Housebreaker   -   New Wave

The Only Ones   -   Another Girl, Another Planet   -   The Only Ones

The Only Ones   -   Language Problem   -   The Only Ones

The Olivia Tremor Control   -   Define A Transparent Dream   -   The Olivia Tremor Control

The Olivia Tremor Control  -   Memories Of Jacqueline 1906   -   The Olivia Tremor Control

Kelley Stoltz   -   Prank Calls   -   Below The Branches

Kelley Stoltz   -   Ever Thought Of Coming Back   -    Below The Branches

Bobby Darin   -   Questions   -   Born Walden Robert Cassotto

Bobby Darin   -    Long Line Rider   -   Born Walden Robert Cassotto

The Association   -   Reputation   -   Insight Out

The Association   -   Never My Love   -   Insight Out