Impersonal Freedom (Thomas Poli - Spring Rec # 4)

60 mn
Impersonal Freedom (Thomas Poli - Spring Rec # 4)

Thomas Poli / octobre 2014 / 56min23

 01 Cult Percussion Ensemble / Autumn carillion       

 02 Hive Mind / Cast through shallow earth (extract)       

 03 Jeff Keen / Rayday (extract)

 04 Brian Mc Bride / Supposed essay on the piano (B major adagietto)

 05 Tordeonde / Emily

 06 Nine Inch Nails / Ghosts I

 07 Ronan Le Déroff / Gwignenn Va C'halon

 08 Delia Derbyshire / Sea

 09 Mica Levy / Love

 10 ESB / Kim

 11 Brian Mc Bride / Toil theme part 3

 12 Molly Drake / I remember

 13 Land Observation - Portway

 14 Cult Percussion Ensemble / Circles

 15 Pete Simonelli / Pole to pole (extract)

1ère diffusion le 08/03/2015