Justice Divine - Un château de sable (Destructure)
HCF - Going Out
Pussy Riot - Police State (Nice Life Recording Company)
Skalpel - ACAB
La Rumeur - P.O.R.C. (Pourquoi On Reste Calme)
Krav Boca - ACAB (Fire And Flames Music / Maloka)
Condkoï - Still Ready
Black Flag - Police Story (SST Records)
Béton Armé - L'union fait la force (Primator Crew)
Christmas - Maggot (Kidnap Music / TNS Records)
Cacerolazo - The Shit You're Selling
Quicksand - Supercollider (Equal Vision Records)
Hot Water Music - Fazer (Equal Vision Records)
Planes Mistaken For Stars - Fix Me (Deathwish Inc)
Coilguns - Bandwagoning (Humus Records / Epicerie Libre)
Will Haven - Kire (Minus Head Records)
Dogbite - Infected
Words of Concrete - Pure
Gridiron - Talk Real (Blue Grape Music)
Body Count - Merciless (Century Media Records)
Despize - Axxis (Northern Unrest)
Cohesion - Sisters
Mörkö - Rebirth
No Cure - Don't Need Your Help (SharpTone Records)
Generation of Vipers - Lux Inversion (Translation Loss Records)
Harakiri for the Sky - Heal Me (AOP Records)
N.W.A - Fuck Tha Police (Priority Records)
Concerts Annoncés
Jeudi 19 Décembre
Cohésion + Mörkö + FrontStab + Gruesome Pledge @ Cave Canem (Rennes)